

Fall 2024- September 3rd to December 11th 

Monday thru Thursday- 9am to 8pm

Friday- 9am to 4pm

Saturday- 11am to 3pm

*Closed Thanksgiving Break - Thursday November 28, reopens Monday December 2nd

Spring 2025- January 21st to May 13th

Monday thru Thursday- 9am to 8pm

Friday- 9am to 4pm

Saturday- 11am to 3pm

*Closed Spring Break - March 8th, reopens on Saturday the 15th

Closed between semesters

Reservations & Equipment

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Equipment Checkout site for Students currently enrolled in University of Minnesota Art classes. West Regis, in room W139. Link here.

Intro to Photography (1701) Equipment: Tripods, 35 mm Film cameras, Light meters, Lights

Intro to Moving Images (1704) Equipment: Video tripods, Video cameras, Lights, DSLR

Intermediate Digital Photography (3730) Equipment: Tripods, Lights, Light Meters

Experimental Film and Video (3760) Equipment: Video tripods, Video cameras, DSLR, Lights, GoPros

Art Checkout Home


The Regis Art Checkouts are set up to offer equipment to currently enrolled Art students. These items are available to facilitate student learning and completion of projects. Link to checkout.

If you have not filled out the form agreeing to the rules, here it is. You may not checkout items unless the form is filled and you are enrolled in a class.